Please note that there will be access restrictions to HQ during August – click here for more information.
We congratulate the following members who passed their Dan Grading on the 2nd July.
- 1st Dan: J. Goldstone and H. Rerhrhaye
- 3rd Dan: K. Spencer
We were very short of members to make ukemi on the day so a big thank you to all the Dan Grades who offered their help.
As we have 15 members who will be taking their Dan Gradings on the 6th August, in the middle of the Summer Seminar. We will require Ukes, so please contact the office in advance if you are available.

Neil Shaw let us know that the Derby course went very well, with everyone enjoying their day.
The office will now be open on Wednesdays instead of Tuesdays. It will be manned on Fridays as before.
The following Headquarter classes will be closed during August:
- Wednesday Junior class: All of August.
- Wednesday Adult class: After the 20th July until the 24th August.
- Friday Adult class: After the 22nd July until the 26th August.
Places are still available on the Basic Sword Course on the 19th November and the Ki Therapy course on the 24th & 25th September. Please notify the office if you wish to book.
We congratulate and send our love to Nadeya and Konstantin from Moscow on the birth of their little girl Alisa.
Our best wishes to Ben Docherty who has just opened his new club in Edinburgh.
Sensei Walters has now been discharged from hospital and is building his strength back up at home.