Here is the Ki Federation’s Aikido update December 2017, from Sensei Margaret.
It was good to see all our Teachers on the Teachers course. Unfortunately. I was unable to answer all the questions on the course, but we did go through 23 of them. I have emailed the teachers who did not get an answer on the day with an explanation where possible. We send our best wishes to the Teachers who were unable to attend due to illness.
We would like to remind all teachers that a student must not go on the mat until they have paid their membership. Also students who require a doctors letter must not practise until the office receives the letter from their doctor with the membership fee.
The final total for the MacMillan Coffee Morning we held in the H.Q. raised £380 for cancer support with the country total 21 Million. Thank you to everyone who helped. The box in the headquarters, for the Poppy appeal, raised £10.
We will require Dan grade ukes for the grading on the Christmas course 9th December. Please let the office know if you are available. The social after the course will be in the Sexeys Inn.
Due to the Christmas holiday, Kyu grading applications and balance of payment for Dan Gradings on the New Year course 27th & 28th January should be in the office by the 10th January.
An area course has now been booked for Derby on the 16th September 2018.
The Wednesday class in Headquarters will finish on the 13th December, and restart on 10th January. The Friday class will finish on the 15th December and restart on 12th January.
The Office will close from the 15th December until the 10th January.
A pair or brown mens leather shoes have been left in Headquarters – please contact the office if they are yours.
Sensei and I send our very best wishes to all our members in this country, and abroad, for a very Happy Christmas and a Good New Year.
Sensei Margaret
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