Here is the April 2017 aikido news.
The Paris course went very well with everyone enjoying the aikido and the social. We’re sure the upcoming Australia and Canada courses will also be great successes.
On our Spring Seminar (27th, 28th and 29th May) we will require Dan Grades to make ukemi on the Sunday – please let the office know if you are available. This grading starts at 10am. The Kyu Grading is on the Monday at 12.45pm.
All balance of payments for the Dan Grading should arrive in the office by the 15th April. For all International Students, confirmation of insurance cover should be provided by their Teacher, please.
We would like to encourage members to submit articles for publication on this website. They can be emailed to Your article can be published anonymously without your name if you wish. However, when sending it in, please supply your name and club or teacher, so that we can validate you as a member.
Following on from this, Sensei Walters would like to write an article entitled ‘When I first realised Aikido had changed me’. So if you have any personal anecdotes please send them in as detailed in the paragraph above.
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