Here is the January 2024 Aikido Update for the Ki Federation of Great Britain.
We hope all is well, and that no-one has been too troubled by our recent storms. We send our best wishes for a Good New Year to all our members and families.
The upcoming weapons course on Saturday, 10th February, will be from 10:30am to 12:30pm and from 2:00pm to 4:00 pm. A number of members have expressed interest in a special bokken course in order to learn the basics of the sword. To accommodate this, we are holding an introductory class on Sunday, 11th February from 10.30am to 11.30am. This will be an introduction to sword practice before attending a full sword course. It will cover basic principles and etiquette, without the necessity of first buying a sword. The course is available to 3rd Dans and above. No pre-booking is required.
There are places available on the May Dan Grading. If any teacher would now like a Dan grading invitation in 2024, for one of their students, please let Sensei Margaret know.