Here is the June 2023 Aikido update for the Ki Federation of Great Britain.

Change of times for the Gradings and courses on 8th/9th July:–
We only have two members taking their 1st Dan Grading, and one taking their 3rd Dan. Therefore, the Dan gradings will now start at 10.30 am. The Saturday course will now be from 2 to 4pm. The courses on Sunday have changed to be 10am to 12noon and 2pm to 4pm with a Kyu grading at 4.15pm.
We do require Dan Grades to make ukemi on the Saturday Gradings.
A number of members have not returned their slip, at the bottom of the Dan Grade Invitation, stating that they would not attend their invitation date. Please make sure this is done. It makes it difficult for Sensei Margaret to arrange for ukes, and grading times, if she does not know the number of applicants in advance.
Teachers should inform Sensei Margaret if they wish a re-grading date for any of their members, or if a Dan Grade has stopped practising.
Any correspondence to the office should contain the relevant members membership number, as printed on their card.
A further day course, with a Kyu Grading, has been arranged in Plymouth for Sunday, 27th August.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Peter Bailie, who comes on all our courses at Headquarters, and helps in many ways. We are very grateful for all his time and help.
Also we would like to thank Mark Cornish who trimmed back the large conifer in the Courtyard. He also made a box to surround the base of the tree. The straightened tree is now looking much better.