Eileen Honeybun, of the Winsham club, sent in this idea on Ki Breathing Ki Meditation and Coronavirus…
After 35 years of practising aikido at least twice a week I am, at least for now, confined to the house. This is because of coronavirus, my age and my husbands breathing condition. I was feeling lost and alone until one of my students told me about communities of quarantined Italians. They go out onto their balconies each day, and sing or play music together.
A thought then occurred to me. The combined Ki of our Federation must surely be a strong force for good against this virus. Therefore, could we perhaps have a time (or times) each day to do Ki breathing or Ki meditation. This as a joint effort against the virus and, in this time of isolation, to feel closer to each other. Thank you.
If students wish to communicate with each other on this idea, then the easiest way will be via Facebook (click here).
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