Here is the October 2023 Aikido Update for the Ki Federation.

We hope no one has had too much trouble with the difficult weather we are experiencing.
The course in Paris, planned for the 16th & 17th March 2024, has to be changed to a different venue and a different date. We will therefore advise you when the Paris club arranges a new date.
James Sherlock is opening a new club in Ketttering, in the East Midlands. We wish him success and a flourishing club.
Could we please remind Dan Grades that the Basic Sword Course, on the 18th November, will combine with the Advanced Sword Course in the afternoon. Rather than having a morning class, the combined class will run from 2pm to 4pm on that date.
Would members please check that they are using the correct stamps when sending mail to the office. The Ki Federation has already had to pay double to the Royal Mail for four envelopes with incorrect stamps.