Sensei Dimitri Popolov (5th Dan) has provided this story of transformation through Aikido. Dimitri is the the teacher at the London, Ontario dojo in Canada.

This photograph might not make much sense at a first glance, but there’s a story behind it. About nine months ago a gentleman came to our club with a walker (left, in the photo) and asked to join. He had a history of brain injury and spent three to six years in a hospital recovering. He was bed-ridden and moved from ward to ward so his last doctor only had documents for the last three years.
He joined and started with Ki Development and Ki for Health exercises – the ones all beginners in Ki Aikido are going through. Of course they would have to be tailored to his needs a bit. He would leave his walker by the side of the mat and use it for frequent rests as well as a very high support for some exercises. As he improved he started leaving his walker in the changing room and used a piano stool instead (centre of the photo). He could do exercises with lower support and could sit on a lower seat – a progress undoubtedly. Eventually he has built up enough dynamic balance to start Ki Aikido exercises. Recently we started replacing the stool with the aerobics stepper (right of the photo).
The progress he has made is amazing and proves once again what can be achieved through practice of Co-ordination of mind and body. After nine month of practice he was awarded his 1st Ki test and will now start working towards his yellow belt in earnest. There is a new beginner in the club with eight years of capoeira experience, and they enjoy practicing together. If all goes to plan they will go for their yellow belt together.
As to the other wonderful objects in the photo – we practice in an old ballet studio, hence the parquet floor, bars and inspirational dance pictures on the wall.
Sensei D. Popolov