Here you will find links to articles which act as an Introduction to Ki Aikido. They explain some of the concepts and answer some commonly asked questions.

- What is Ki Aikido? (by Sensei Williams)
- Why join a Ki Aikido club?
- What would I need to wear?
- What does “Sensei” mean?
- Why do we bow in Aikido?
- Junior or Children’s Aikido
- FAQs (other Frequently Asked Questions)
Articles written by Sensei Williams in 1990
- Personal Insights – Ki and Aikido
- Personal Insights – Calmness and Relaxation
- Personal Insights – Mind Body Coordination
- Personal Insights – Ki Aikido and Health
A deeper insight into Aikido (2002)
If you wish to start Ki Aikido, please contact the teacher in your chosen area. To find a club in your area please click here.