It was good to see so many or our 5th and 6th Dans on their Group course last weekend and we hope everyone had a good journey home. Congratulations to David Pascoe on receiving his 6th Dan at the course. Our congratulations also go to Mark Greenley – on the 12th March he hosted the…
Here are some pictures from the Muswell Hill 2016 course held on 12th March in London. Click on an image to expand it and view optional slideshow. Go to Aikido galleries page.
Congratulations to all those who passed their Dan Grading this weekend… 1st Dan: D. Robb and D. Winton 2nd Dan: A. Kendrick, C. Morgan, P.Murphy and J.Rochfort 3rd Dan: A. Britnell
Our congratulations to the following members who were awarded new grade on the February 3rd Dan Group course… 4th Dan: P. Birch, N. Heffernan, A. Johnston, J. Mills, A.O’Rourke, C. Parkes, S.Parkinson and V. Picton 5th Dan: S. Hunt, and D. Popolov from Canada We require Dan Grade members for ukemi on the next Dan…
Our best wishes go to Angela Botto on the opening of her Derbyshire Junior Club. We have 1st, 2nd and 3rd Dan Gradings on the 5th March, and require Dan Grade ukes for these – please let the office know if you are available. There are just a few places left for the Ki Therapy course.…
Joye and Stephen Australian Ki Aikido was boosted this weekend due to the efforts of our two friends from Perth, Australia. Congratulations to husband and wife, Joye and Stephen, who both passed their Dan Gradings on the New Year seminar… 1st Dan: Joye Vickers 3rd Dan: Stephen Vickers Apologies, but there was an error on the course listing…
On the upcoming New Year Seminar (24th and 25th January), we have members visiting from Australia to take their 1st and 3rd Dan gradings. Consequently, we require Dan grade ukes – could those who are available please let the office know as soon as possible. Our best wishes go to Angela O’Rouke who will be…
I wouldn’t normally associate media blockbusters and Aikido together. However, I find it interesting that some of the biggest TV and streaming media shows are now presenting Aikido as a life-changing force for good. I had never previously watched any episode of the “Walking Dead” – a massive hit around the world. Then, recently, a friend showed me…
Please note that we have a correction to the previous post – the Ki Federation office will re-open on the 12th January 2016, and not the 8th as previously stated. We also offer our congratulations to the following who passed their Dan gradings on the Christmas course: 1st Dan: A. Brueggl and A. Macknight. 2nd…